Hi everybody,
The first post always constitutes a break of this usual writer's fear of the blank page. Even If you're aware of your intentions and leit motive of your blog, it is surprisingly scare to start.
2013 have been an extremely short year for me. I've achieved two of my deep desires:
1. End my career,
 2. To live in Scotland.
Back to Spain, and with an uncertain destination, only with a bag of values (most of them transformables), my music and photo skills, and my two hands, I am heading a new step in my life. Given that's because I have this new blog.
The name of the blog doesn't refers to cosmical stuff, it's something more pragmatic. "Multidimensional Man", refers to the concept by Robert Garaudy in his book "Dialogue between Civilizations", it is a less well-known book (he has  quite more controversial ones). He said that the human being have lost many ocassions in history in wich he may have achieved a better understading about life, the world and the human being itself. The ocassions were these when people from different cultures and understanding of the reality could have been gathered to built something better, instead of destroy theirselves.
If not, nowadays we could have been a well-different type of humans. We could  have been more advanced in our concepts, our science's findings, our understandings; lived in a more developed and true democracy, and able to think and act being aware of the other's. That's more or less, a multidimensional man.
In this blog I'll write without fear, about this things that matters to me and, I hope, to others too: My findings about our insides, our nature, what makes us weak, what the others tell us, polithics, lies, things that I can't stand, things that I love to stand, and finnally, and as a self-theraphy, maybe my desires and likes.
This blog is just a drop in the sea. But I've written it because, as I heard recently in an interview of a film director: "I created the film I wanted to see". Well, I'm going to write what I wanted to read.
Yehudi Menuhin, (one of my idols as violinist) said:

                                                                "The art of creation lies 
                                      in the gift of perceiving the particular and generalizing it, 
                                                        thus creating the particular again. 
                                             It is therefore a powerful transforming force 
                            and a generator of creative  solutions in relation to a given problems. 

                                                    It is the currency of human exchanges,
                                 wich enables the sharing of states of the soul and conscience, 
                                              and the discovery of new fields of experience"

Y si la vida fuera un sueño
Pero no lo pienses como una ficción: IMAGINALO
El gran sueño de un dios dormido
Seríamos libres de verdad,
Libres de la peor cadena que existe,
Libres de nuestra ignorancia,
y de nuestra voluntad de saber.

Find the truth

English Resume
CV Artístico
CV Español

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